I tried to replace my mortise with your 82-218.
As you can see, it looks identical to me. However, in addition to being very difficult to get the old mortise out (that's how it got damaged), I can't get the new one in.
it looks like there's a bar running up the back of the mortise cavity, making it less deep than I need it to be. is that possible
82-218 just won't fit
Quick Learner from Florida
Jan 13, 2017 12:46 pm
4 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jan 18, 2017 2:13 pm
I believe the 82-218 is a good match for your mortise lock. Looking at your photos it looks like a match. Can you go into more detail on why it won't work? Keep in mind that it's meant to be somewhat of a tight fit.
Quick Learner from Seminole, Florida
Jan 18, 2017 9:53 pm
Like I stated before,there is a metal bar inside the door frame. The original 82-218 had to be forcefully removed due to the fact there is only a 1-1/16" space where the mortise latch fits. There was no play at all to tilt the new latch into the mortise and once in pull it forward to secure it to the outer frame with screws as shown in your video. It appears that the latch may have been installed before the door was assembled. I noticed that you sell a similar latch
that has the rear corners that are cut on an angle. I wonder if that would make for an easier install? I could not find the manufacture of the door, but there is 3 doors that work together,and each door measures 4ft wide by 8ft tall.
that has the rear corners that are cut on an angle. I wonder if that would make for an easier install? I could not find the manufacture of the door, but there is 3 doors that work together,and each door measures 4ft wide by 8ft tall.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jan 23, 2017 11:31 am
If you patio door is made of aluminum, see if you could use either the 82-226 or 82-227. These come with a face plate, which might bring out the latch just enough to fit. I can't be sure but it's the first thing to come to mind. You could also place a small washer behind the plate of the lock you have now to bring it out a little more. My concern is if the door is aluminum, and the screw should hold into the aluminum frame. If it is vinyl, the material might not secure the screw. Another thought would be to file the mounting tabs at the top and bottom of the 82-218. See if that will give you another 1/16" of an inch.
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