Adding hook to channel balance

Thanks for reaching out to us. It looks like you purchased our S795-34 channel balance. We do sell a hook that's compatible with these, which is our 15-198, but adding them to the balance can be a little tricky. You will need a bench vice to securely clamp onto the cord so as to make sure it doesn't snap back into the pulley while you swap the clips out. These cords are under a lot of tension and if it gets away from you then it could potentially ruin the balance; if you aren't careful, it can also take out an eye. If you proceed with this, make sure to wear safety goggles and gloves, just to be safe.
There may also be an easier solution, depending on the shape of the hole where the old hook went. I recommend watching the video below, which explains how you might be able to use our 26-200 screw plug to use the balance you purchased from us as-is.