Alcan window hardware

We'd be happy to help but the top attachment of the balance in your photos appears to be broken. We would need to see an undamaged balance uninstalled to confirm with the top fitting should look like.
I suspect that you also need top sash guides to hole the balance in place. We'd need to see an undamaged guide removed from the window as well, along with dimensions, to compare to our inventory. Thank you!

Your top sash guide would be our 18-161.
As for the balance, you may need the S380-24 with a 2310 strength option but keep in mind that the bottom attachment on this balance measures exactly 1" deep. There is also a 7/8" shoe, our 15-029. Measure your shoe's depth to confirm if you need our stock balances or replacements made with the 15-029 shoe through a custom order.