Andersen casement operator

Handy Person
Would you help me to identify this operator for Andersen Casement please?
If Swisco sale this hardware can you tell me whats the product number.
Thank you.
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2 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Hello there. Unfortunately this old Andersen operator is no longer made. We've talked to Andersen about it a few times in the past, and there is no direct replacement. Our best recommendation is our 39-264 operator, which is the closest existing match, as well as the 39-362 adapter plate, which is used to help the 39-264 install on some specific Andersen windows made between 1995 and 1998. Now, we've never had confirmation if this substitute works; the link arm is a very different size so there's a chance it may not, or that it will take some adaptation to work with your window. If you do attempt this, please let us know how you make out.

Dimensions for 39-264
Dimensions for 39-264

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