Awning window mechanism

Quick Learner from Honolulu, Hawaii
Aloha! My windows are only about 10 years old but the humidity has missed the mechanisms. The crank is ok, the hinge is ok but what appears to be rusting out is the mechanism that connects the crank to the hinge.

I watched your video on how to take it apart, but there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to disconnect the crank from the mechanism. Could they possibly be on device? It seems almost impossible, because it seems the only way to maybe remove it is to remove the window entirely by unscrewing the hinge from the frame. I hope I provided enough photos. I'd want three new ones.

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10 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Maybe I can help! It sounds like you want to disconnect the link arm of the operator from the lower sash bracket. Not sure, but your operator might be the 39-317, which has the detach clip 39-105 at the end of the arm. This is a bit unusual because this is usually an operator for casement windows, not awning windows. To be honest I think you might have casement windows that were turned 'on their side', so to speak, to act as awning windows. You need to slide back that clip to disconnect it off of the stud bracket. Take a look at all the parts I've listed on this page to see if you need any of these components as well. 

Quick Learner from Honolulu, Hawaii

Wow - great advice. Now the only thing that doesn't appear to be the right size is the 2nd part of the arm on the truth split-arm operator. Mine is 5 inches long whereas the part you sent me is only 3.5 inches long. Please see the photo. Does this device come in the same size as mine? If not, would that mean that the window couldn't fully open/close, or would it not work at all?

Also, is there a how-to video on replacing the "rear mount casement lock? It isn't obvious to me how it comes off unless I take a flat head screwdriver to pop off the cover and then hopefully it reveals screws.. Thanks for your help!Thanks, Jess

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Bob from SWISCO

Looking at this closer picture, I'm wondering if this isn't our 39-171 instead. This is very similar to the operator Dave suggested, except that the link arm is indeed 5" and features an offset which I believe yours also has. See if this matches up. 

As far as uninstalling the existing 38-036 lock, these tend to be rear mounted, meaning that you'll need to access and remove the mounting screws form the outside of your window. Let us know if you need anything else.

Quick Learner from Honolulu, Hawaii
Thank you. Yes, I think that is the right one. Ok, so one more question, I hope. Do you have this style of lock instead of the 38-036 style? The shape is a little different. I only need one but want it to be the same instead of replacing all 6. See photo. Thanks!
1 user uploaded image
Bob from SWISCO

I am fairly certain the 38-036 is still our closest match, but you'll want to remove the lock and compare to confirm. 

Quick Learner from Honolulu, Hawaii
Hi There!

I'm about to place an order but I am wondering is the folding handle (39-107FK) compatible with the operator (39-317)? Thank you!
Bob from SWISCO

I am afraid not. The 39-317 does not have a centered spline, which the 39-107FK is designed for; the cover on the 39-317 is also not meant to be removed. Your closest option for a similar setup with this operator is the 39-205 Folding Handle. It won't nestle in a cover like the 39-107FK, but it can at least fold. 

Quick Learner from Honolulu, Hawaii
Aloha! I received my order and did the install, however, what is really weird is that there is some play in the the Folding Crank or Dyad Operator ... you know like old cars where the stering wheel had play in the wheel without moving the car. Anyway, last night was very windy and the windows did NOT stay in place. The window moved them enough for us to hear them clank. I don't know if it is the Folding Crank that is the problem or the Dyad Operator. My old hardware kept the windows exactly where I opened them and did not allow the window to be pulled open or pushed close by the force of wind. I don't see a way to "tighten" or reduce the play in either mechanism. Also, the Folding Hand Crank also seems to be too heavy so it won't stay in place if not perfectly up or down; it drops using its own weight (and yes, I've tightened the hidden screw for attaching it). Help, please.
Bob from SWISCO

Hey, sorry for the wait--thanks for your patience during this very busy season. All this play with the operator makes me wonder if your window needs a new hinge set. I see you ordered the 36-004-10; did you install it? It's easy to see if this is the case. Remove the operator and try to open/close the window manually. If it really doesn't move well, then I think the hinge is the issue here. Take a look and let me know what you think. 

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