BSI 24C vb Channel Balance

I'm looking for a replacement for this channel balance. I didn't find one with a hook on the end. I've already replaced the shoe (FS265-XCP2 1'' Pivot Lock Shoe) but the string snapped on one of the channel balances. Thank you for your assistance.

I can't be sure but it sounds like you may be referring to the 15-194 T-lock shoe commonly used with the S795 channel balance. If so, we can supply replacements S795-24 (24C) balances with the 15-198 pulley clip attached but it would need to be a custom order. We'd just need to confirm the number of balances that you need, with the minimum being two.

Keep in mind that the 15-194 shoes would need to be purchased separately or you can attach the ones that you already purchased by following the video below, assuming they match the specifications of the 15-194. Thank you!

We just sent over an order link and price quote for two of the balances you requested. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else.