I have Kinco windows in my condo which was completed in 2004. it is an impact glass single hung window. Two of the windows in the condo do not stay open and slide back down. Am I correct in assuming that it is the balance that needs to be replaced? If not please advise. Also, is their a guide that would come with the part to show how to replace the particular part please? Thank you so much for your assistance
7 Replies
Unfortunately, there's no way to adjust tension on channel balances. It sounds the stamp option isn't correct. What is the weight of your sash compared to the options you selected?
My old 15" channel balance weighs 6 1/4 lb. or 178 grams. Reads 14 9 26# LO CALDWELL.
The 24" channel balance weighs 10 1/4 lb. or 292 grams. Reads 23 9 IP CALDWELL.
Attached picture
Just to make sure, are you weighing the sash or the balances? You need to weigh the sash to determine what option is best, not the balance.
I am weighing the balances, how do you weigh the sash?