Balance Shoe and Top Guide Help

Quick Learner from USA
I am looking to order new channel balances for my windows as they may have become compromised during Hurricane Ian. I am looking at your balances and seeing the measurements for the Shoe and Top Guide. It appears to be a 380 Series, but I am confused about the measurements. I have included two photos (with 3 photos in each one). I apologize in advance that I am directly emailing versus using your part finder.

The plastic top guide measures 1" wide across the wings, 3/4" deep from the face to the back of the channel, 1 1/4" from the tip of the guide (not including the small tabs inside the rail.

The plastic bottom shoe measures 1" wide across the wings, 7/8" deep from the face to the back of the shoe, 1" from the bottom of the shoe to the plastic tips at the back of the channel.
I took the guide and shoe out of the old balance and did some measurements. The part numbers and measurements I matched up were as follows:
15-029 - 7/8" depth Channel Balance Winged Shoe
19-005 - Channel Balance Winged Top

The channel measures 29" long without the shoe or top guide. The stamp on the metal reads 28B USB.

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6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hello! I agree, your balance does appear to match our Series 380. This has a 15-005 shoe, which has a 1" depth. This is the entire depth, including the wings, though; in your photos, it seems that you're excluding the wings from this measurement.

I've made a quick little diagram for you that should hopefully help clarify things. It may not seem like a big difference but it may very well account for that missing 1/8". Look this over and see if this helps you determine the best part for the job.
Quick Learner from USA

I have taken a measurement with a more detailed tape measure to so what I am seeing and where I am measuring from. Its coming out to be about 29/32". I wasn't sure if there is any rounding thats supposed to be involved, much as you would round for the diameter of the channel itself.

1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

Perfect, thank you for clarifying. Based on that measurement I think it's very likely that you have a 15-029 shoe. That would mean this balance has to be a custom order.

You have two options available to you at this point: you can move forward with a custom order, or, if you still have doubts, you can opt for the S380-29, which has the larger 1" shoe. If that ends up being too big you can always shave it down with a utility knife. I've done it myself in a pinch and it works great. Just note that a balance altered in this way cannot be returned for a refund. Nor can custom balances, for that matter.

If you wanted to just move forward with the custom balance, then please tell me how many you wanted to buy and I will email you a purchase link and price quote that would let you place an order on our site. To summarize: these would be 29" balances with a 19-005 top, 15-029 bottom, and a 2820 stamp, which is designed to hold 12 through 16 pounds.

Quick Learner from USA
Greetings Tom,

Thank you for your reply. At this time I'd like to order 2 of the custom slides with the 15-029 shoe. Once I have tested these for accuracy I will move forward with orders for the remaining windows.

Thank you for your assistance
Tom from SWISCO

Sounds good! What I'll do now is email you a purchase link and price quote that will let you add 2 balances to your cart that are made to the specifications I've outlined. You can then checkout on our site as normal.

I'd be happy to answer any other questions you may have about this or any other project, just let me know!

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