Balance won't interact with take out clips

Home Owner from Tampa Florida
Apr 29, 2024 1:50 am
I just replaced the Caldwell balances on one of my windows. The balance continues to move with the window and will not stop at the takeout clips so that I can remove the window.

There was no issue removing the old balances and replacing with new ones. However, after installing the window sash, I had difficulty opening and closing the window, so I attempted to remove the window again. While doing this, I noticed that the right side of my window had a broken top sash guide, and the right-side balance is exposed above the window. I forced my window open up to the takeout clips so that I could remove the window. Unfortunately, the balance continues to move with the window and will not stop at the takeout clips. The takeout clips from both sides came out due to the force I used when I tried to move the window above the takeout clips. I replaced the takeout clips but do not know what to do in order to remove my window again. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you and respectfully,
1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Apr 30, 2024 10:44 am

Hi Calvin,

Thanks for posting! Based on the description of the issue you are running into, it sounds like you have a jammed window. To properly install the balances, you'll need to first replace the top sash guide in the window.

I'm happy to recommend the replacement you need, but I'll need to see a photo of the an undamaged version of the top sash guide to identify it.

Take a look at the video tutorials tagged below for an idea on how to repair a jammed window as well as how to replace the top top sash guides.

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