Balancers for a circa 1986 Rollyson window

Home Owner from Cincinnati
To whom it may concern,
I have Rollyson windows (circa 1986).
The balancer that failed has the following markings on it: 21 4 E1 Caldwell.
It looks like your S380 or S385 is the correct replacement but I can't tell what the difference is between the 15-004 and 15-005 shoes is.
My shoe is 15/16" front-to-back and 15/16" wide at it's widest point across the "wings".
Please advise which one is correct for my situation.
Thank you!
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
I believe the balance series you need is our S380. Take a look at the two shoes individually, 15-004 and 15-005. I think you will find that your shoe matches closer to the 15-005, thus you should order the S380-22 balance with the option of 2140.
Home Owner from Cincinnati
Thanks for the reply/info.
You recommended S380-22 with option 2140. What are the "options"? I can't find any explanation for any of the four listed: 2110 - 2140.
I want to make sure I'm ordering the right item....
Paul from SWISCO
The option represents the length and strength. If you add one to the first two digits you will get the channel length. The second two digits represent the strength. We cross referenced your 21 4 E1 Caldwell stamp to our 2140 stamp. We could of also recommended a stamp depending on the weight of your window sash. If you would like to go that route, remove the window sash from the window and weigh it on a scale.
Home Owner from Cincinnarti
I weighed the window sash and it is 18 lbs.
Please advise which "option" is best for this weight.
Paul from SWISCO
It appears you will need the 2140 stamp, which will carry a weight range of approximately 15 to 23 lbs.
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