Both pivot points on a Loewen Double Hung broke off

Quick Learner from Dallas, TX
I have a Loewen double hung window in which both attachment pivots for the lower pane have broken. The balance springs for both sides have now spring upwards.

There are two wood screws holding the broken halves of the pivots on the window itself.

I'm not sure if I need to replace both the pivot points and the balance springs once they've retracted upwards, or if I can still use the same spring assemblies and just replace the pivots.

Thank you
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2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


I don't believe we carry an exact match for your pivots but they remind me of the 26-150. Take a look and see if the dimensions shown below could work for your repair.

As for your balances, you only need to replace them if they were broken when the pivots failed. If so, please removed one of your balances to show us and we can go from there. Thank you.

Dimensions for 26-150
Dimensions for 26-150

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