Bottom shower door seal

Home Owner from Dingmans Ferry, PA
Appears to be a rotted rubber insert to the shower door. Not a sweep per say but an added piece with insert that helps seal the door when it is shut. Leakage occurring now when I shower. It is an older shower unit that also serves as a steam shower. Is this rubber seal replaceable?
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2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Unfortunately, I do not believe that we carry an exact match for your sweep but we do carry sweep and drip rails like the (24") 10-324,(30") 10-325, or (36") 10-326. If needed, they can be cut down to size using a hacksaw like the 75-023A. Keep in mind that parts can not be returned once they are modified. Take a look to see if you could adapt one of these options to work for your repair. Thank you! 

Profile view of the shower sweep with drip rail.
Profile view of the shower sweep with drip rail.

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