Broken pivot bar mounting surface

Handy Person from Maryland
May 3, 2023 7:54 pm
Hello. The part of the window where the pivot bar mounts has broken off. The existing bar is 5/16 x 3/16 x 2 inches long. What would be the best solution to fix this? There is another hole, which was unused, that is 2-1/2 inches from the edge of the window. Do you make a longer pivot bar? I figured if I had a 4+ inch pivot bar I could mount it further in. Do you sell a longer pivot bar, or have a suggestion to remedy this? Thank you.
IMG_0230 broken pivot bar mount IMG_0232 broken pivot bar mount side
2 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
May 5, 2023 10:39 am

There are unfortunately not many solutions for this kind of damage, aside from replacing the sash. The only thing we sell that may work is our 26-395; this has a very broad, "L" shaped base that could theoretically wrap around the corner (assuming you had the room) and offer enough support that it could fit without worrying about the crack. The tip is the same style as the 26-040, too, so it should work fine in your shoe.

There isn't really a longer pivot bar that works the same way. They only make these so long and you'd be hard pressed to find anything over 3". When a sash cracks like this, it's pretty serious. You may want to strongly consider replacing it entirely.

Alternate image for 26-395
Alternate image for 26-395

Hole center measurements for 26-395
Hole center measurements for 26-395

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