Cain Window Part

Quick Learner from Clover, SC
Can you locate a tilt cam like this one. Please help!
User submitted photo of their window hardware.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting. I have good news and bad news. We'll start with the bad news first.

I'm afraid we don't have this shoe by itself, unfortunately. This goes on an older type of balance that we are not able to provide. It has a unique kind of groove in the bottom (noted by the groove in the "stem" of your pictured shoe), I assume to make it easier to remove the sash.

However, modern balance manufacturers seem to have decided that this groove is no longer necessary, so now balances are made without it. Unfortunately that also means that the new shoes being made can't fit on the old balance, since they don't have a matching groove in their "stem."

Hopefully that makes sense. The good news is, we can still help, but you will need to replace the entire balance system with the modern version. I am thinking our Series 795 channel balance, but with the smaller, 1" wide 15-194 shoe swapped out for the default one (which is 1-1/4" wide). We can either do this for you as a custom balance order, or you can simply purchase a Series 795 balance and 15-194 separately and swap them out yourself. It should be pretty easy, they just clip on and off, but let me know how you wish to proceed.
Quick Learner from Clover, SC
Can you do a series 795 balance in a 34 inch with a one inch shoe and an end like the one in this photo? If so, can you price this for me.

User submitted a photo of a window balance.
Tom from SWISCO
Great, thanks for pointing out that hook! We would use our 15-198 for that. I would be happy to make you a custom balance order for an S795-32 balance with a 15-194 shoe and 15-198 clip. I just need two more pieces of information before I can send you the order link and price quote:

-How many balances you need.

-The stamp printed on the metal channel itself.

Let me know!
Quick Learner from Clover SC
34 B

14 of them
Tom from SWISCO
Okay, I've emailed you a custom order link (and price quote). You should receive it soon and use it to place your order. Thanks for coming to us, and let me know if you have any questions!
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