Can we replace the wheel 81-228 with 81-241?

Handy Person from New York
Mar 27, 2012 1:46 pm
Can we replace the wheel 81-228 by 81-241 and what should be the axle associated with it
1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Mar 30, 2012 11:02 am
Thanks for posting!

Yes, the 81-228 Nylon Wheel can be replaced with the 81-241 Stainless Steel Wheel.

Now, as for the axles, it mostly depends on your application and what length of axle you'll need. In terms of fit, the 81-304 Axle will slip in and out pretty easily, whereas the 81-203, 81-303 and 81-307 are a bit difficult to move and are made to lock into the roller.
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