Caradco window

Quick Learner from New Jersey
The top back pane of my window does not stay up immediately slides down. The attached photos are top/bottom left and right. There is a stamp on the window that says caradco corp 12/81. There is also the word Bendix stamped or engraved on the metal portion in between the two glass panes. Thanks for your time and i hope you can help.
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6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

It definitely sounds like you need a new balance, but I can't tell what you have from these photos. There should be a shoe of some kind under the balance. Can you show me a photo of that? That ought to be the clue i need to find out what this is.

Quick Learner from New Jersey
Thanks for the response. Is there a video of how to do that?
Tom from SWISCO

I'm not sure what you mean. We don't have a video on how to find a balance shoe in particular. All you need to do is look for whatever part is under the balance in the track. Every channel balance like yours has a cord that pulls out of the bottom; at the end of that cord is a shoe of some sort, usually a square or rectangular piece of plastic. That shoe is a huge clue as to what balance Series you need.

Quick Learner from Rockaway nj

Found another stamp looks like 16/ ? Also found the plastic piece in the back channel. I hope you can see the shoe.

Hope this will do it.Thanks

5 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO

Your photos are unclear, but I think your balance might be a match for our Series 751. Please look over the photos and information we show for this product and compare it to your original to confirm that everything matches up.

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