I need to buy a new crank assembly and cover and I'm ok on what I need but I can't distinguish the bronze vs dark bronze. I don't need a handle but as it is the same color that I will need for the cover, is handle part #45012 bronze or dark bronze?
Thank You
2 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Feb 1, 2012 11:57 am
Thanks for posting, and for the detailed pictures! Your cover and handle seem to be dark bronze, but they also look a bit faded. That said, regular bronze is a much richer brown, which yours don't appear to match.
Take a look at our 39-107 Truth Hardware Operator Cover, and for the handle please look at our 39-114L and 39-205. All of these handles are available in dark bronze.
Compared to your original hardware, do you think these items will work for your application?
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