Hi. I need some help with picking the right window operator. I build windows and I'm currently working on a casement window. The window sash will be bout 21-24" W x 72"H. The sash along with the glass will be roughly 70lbs. The glass is about 6-7 lbs/sq.ft which is VERY heavy.
Can you advise which sash operator and hinges I will need?
I can figure out everything else from here. I have already purchased some items from your website but the operator and hinge I'm not sure of. Please help.
Casement window operator
Quick Learner from Nassau, Bahamas
Apr 30, 2023 10:51 am
2 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
May 1, 2023 3:21 pm
Thanks for posting! To determine if there is a replacement operator and a hinge that we can supply you with, I'll need to see photos of your existing hardware. I am not able to identify it based on the weight of the sash, unfortunately.
I'll need to see a photo of the entire operator, including how it attaches to the bottom of your window.
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