Channel Balance

Quick Learner

Channel is 28 inches. nothing printed on it, window manu not known, the channel is a 1/2 channel.

 I will need about 6 or 7.

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4 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


It looks like you have either our S351-28, with a 15-002 bottom attachment, or S390-28, with a 15-001 bottom attachment. Take a look at the image below to determine which balance you'll need. You'll also need to locate the stamp code on your metal channel to choose the corresponding spring strength option for your replacement balances. Thank you!

Comparison of the S351 and S390 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S351 and S390 balance shoes.
Quick Learner
I looks like the bottom attachment measurement is 1 1/16 on mine, so the 390 at 1 1/8 looks like the right one as mine my have worn over time. Would you agree?

I found markings that say 2740, see pic, so I ordered two of the S390 with the 2740 strength to see how they work.

Thanks for the help

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Casey from SWISCO

I agree that your balance fitting could certainly have worn down a bit over the years, so the balances you purchased should have the correct specifications for your window. Let us know how you make out once they arrive!

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