Channel Balance 24-3 J

Handy Person
May 4, 2009 5:05 pm
Everthing matches except the number? The number on my part is 24-3 J will the S377-25 option 2430 work on my window?

I also need parts for PGT windows are these part numbers right 1820,1210, and 1720 cb? I got the number off the channel balances. And they measure 18 3/4" x 1/2", 13"x 1/2", 18 1/2" x 1/2" they look the same as the other guides as the other channel balance just differnet lenghts. Is this right?
1 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
May 5, 2009 8:19 am
To check the weight for the 24-3 replacement balance remove the window sash and put it on a scale.
The 2430 will carry a window sash load of 15 pounds through 19 pounds.

This information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.

An 1820 will normally have a balance channel length of 19 inches (exclude the fittings in this measurement), the 1210 will measure 13 inches, and the 1720 will measure 18 inches.
If you are unsure of your SWISCO balance series selection contact us again, we will need to see detailed photos with measurements of the balance style you are replacing.
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