Channel Balance

Hi there!
Do both of these balances have the same top and bottom fittings, along with the same "2740" stamp? If so, it looks like you have either our S351-28, with a 15-002 bottom attachment, or S390-28, with a 15-001 bottom attachment. Take a look at the image below to determine which balance you'll need. You'll also need a stamp option of 2740. If the balance's fittings differ from the other, please let us know.
When you say "it has a roller", is the roller built into the bottom shoe? Can you show us a picture of it?

I sent you a picture of the roller in a separate email. The tops are identical and the stamps both say 2740.

I'm not sure what email you're referring to. Is the roller built into the shoe like the image below? If not, you should be good to go with our stock balances.