Channel balances_unknown manufacturer of windows

Handy Person from Saratoga springs ny
Nov 16, 2023 10:07 pm
I am hoping you can help.
Information on with windows.
Triple pane, tilt
Sash weight: 21.4 lbs
Manufacture: unknown
Series: DH 930 / DH PAV2
Type: VSDH
Code: Tri - K -32

Number of balances needed: 4
Thank you for any help.

IMG_9698 IMG_9701 IMG_9706 IMG_9700 IMG_9695
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Nov 17, 2023 4:06 pm

Hey there,

Thanks for writing in! The balances you have will need to be custom made assemblies. These are a Series 770 Channel Balance with a 15-170 Snap-on Clip attached. You should note that this bottom clip is a limited supply and they will only be available while supplies last.

I've forwarded a link with a quote for the (4) requested balances. You'll be able to use this link to review your quote and place the order from your online cart. Please let me know if you would like a higher quantity of balances and I'd be happy to adjust the quote for you.

The clip at the top of the balance appears to the 19-029 Short S-Clip. The compatible pivot shoe is the 15-169 Snap Lock Pivot Shoe. Each of these parts is sold separately, so you'll need to remember to add them to the cart along with the balances.

Alternate image for 15-169
Alternate image for 15-169

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