Concealed casement hinges

Part # FOR Concealed casement hinge assemply from Truth Hardware site: # 14.93
Windows are Egress type. I am close to salt water. Therefor want corrosion resistant hinge assembly
I need hinge assembly pairs for two right hand and two left hand windows.
Thank you for any help Robert

Hello there. Check out either our 36-090-10 10" Egress Snap-On Hinge Set, or the 36-004-10 10" Bar Set. Both of these sets come with an upper and lower hinge, and both are stainless steel. Let me know if you think one of these hinge sets match what you need.

Thanks for getting back to me. I do want to buy 2 sets of right hand & 2 sets of right hand.

Hi Robert. I don't think either hinge set is going to necessarily be easier or more difficult to install--the principles should be the same regardless. See the video below for details on installation. Whichever hinge set matches the dimensions and specifications of your old hardware most closely is the best choice to go with.
These hinge sets come in pairs, for the top and bottom of a sash; but they're non-handed, so you can use a set for either a left or right-handed window. Let me know if you have further questions.

Sure, take a look at the video below that shows the general installation process for casement hinges.