Crank/Awning Operator

Home Owner from USA
Jan 12, 2021 10:37 am
I have a small bathroom window in a house I just bought that didn't have a crank/operator.

One was left new but it doesn't line up as the window arm angles over directly in the way.

Also the bottom screw holes are NOT two side-by-side rather the outter one is a bit higher.

House built in early 80's. Original window I'm sure.

Here are some pieces of window if can help and thanks:
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1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Jan 13, 2021 1:50 pm

I am afraid without seeing the original awning operator, specifically its link arm style, it's very difficult to say precisely what might work for you. Based on the hole pattern, with that offset bottom hole, you might need the 39-054, 39-084, 39-259, or 39-432. But I can't really narrow it down any further than that. Take a look at these operators and let me know what you think. 

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