Custom balance

You have an old discontinued Silverline Swinger window. We can still supply this balance but it has to be a custom order due to its configuration.
The tricky part of these balances though is that they're asymmetrical, meaning the right and left hand balances won't be the same. The balance in your photo, for instance, has a 19-002 top and 15-025 bottom nylon fitting and a 2630 stamp. However its partner will have a 19-002 top, NO bottom fitting, and a 2640 stamp.
Can you please confirm that this assessment is accurate? If so, can you tell me how many of each you need?

Dear expert, Tom. Thank you so much for your professional judgement. We are now able to order some of the parts of non tilt window channel. we ordered channel balance shoe silver line15-025, and Rivet 62-005.
we will try our best to fix by ourselves. If we need more help, we will contact you again.
We appreciate you very much!
Have a great weekend!

Sounds good! Hopefully that fixes it, but if you run into any issues just let me know and I'd be happy to assist.