Do you sell these channel balance parts

Home Owner from St. Augustine Florida
May 19, 2024 9:35 am
I need a replacement channel balance & a few of the stop guides. The balance has 28-9 stamped on it.
IMG_6216 IMG_6218 IMG_6219 IMG_6220 IMG_6221
5 user uploaded images
3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
May 22, 2024 11:36 am

We should be able to supply these balances for you, but I see that you have an "86" in front of your stamp. that tells me that you have a very specific block and tackle system that will need to be special ordered.

Before we go any further, can you confirm the depth of the bottom shoe? That would be the "heel to toe" measurement, assuming the balance is standing straight up. Can you also tell me how many you needed altogether?

As for the top sash guide, my first guess is the 18-166, but it will depend entirely on size. Review our dimensions below and see what you think.

Detail of 18-166
Detail of 18-166

Profile view of 18-166
Profile view of 18-166

Home Owner from St. Augustine Florida
May 22, 2024 11:55 am
Hopefully I'm giving you the correct measurement but the bottom shoe has a measurement of 1 inch. I actually will 2 balances & 2 top guides. The pictured top guide does look correct.
Tom from SWISCO
May 23, 2024 10:47 am

Great, thanks for verifying. That should be everything we need. I'll go ahead and email you a purchase link and price quote that will let you add 2 of these balances to your cart. 

Please note that this only includes the balances; the top sash guides are sold separately, so don't forget to add them to your cart, as well, before you check out.

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