Glazing Bead for Silverline 1000 series Vinyl Windows from late 1990's early 2000's

Home Owner from Massachusetts
Oct 28, 2020 7:35 pm
Need help. Silverline was sold multiple times and, while still around, no longer stock the glazing bead. I had broken seals on a sidelight and semi-circle. They had me remove the glazing bead to measure the windows. They replaced the windows under warranty. I destroyed the bead getting it out so I threw out the old bead assuming I'd be getting new glazing bead with the windows. Nope. So, now I'm looking for a replacement and I don't have a pic of the removed bead. Pic of window with removed bead and pic of other window with installed bead are attached. Dimensions are: 3/16" from window to the slot. Slot is 7/32" deep. Bead is 5/8" wide and 5/16" deep. Can you recommend a suitable replacement? Thanks!
installed removed
2 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Nov 3, 2020 12:54 pm

Hello there. Silverline windows often use our 55-127 or 55-204 Glazing Bead. Look over the 'end profile' dimensions and let me know if you think either one of these matches. 

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