Guide Wheel Cap

Home Owner from Ft. Lauderdale, FL

I need to replace the white plastic guide wheel cap in the attached photo. The cap is circular, about 3/4'' in diameter. This item is part of a bi-fold door made at least 12 years ago by Stanley. The cap sits on top of a guide wheel that slides along a metal track that allows me to open and close the door. The cap has broken off and I need to replace it. The guide wheel is working fine.

Thank you.

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2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hey there, thanks for reaching out to us. This guide wheel looks very similar to our 21-174 roll guide. I recommend looking this part over and seeing if it's a good match. It looks really close to me in terms of design, but I still recommend reviewing our info to be 100% certain.

Dimensions for 21-174
Dimensions for 21-174
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