Identify parts

Quick Learner from USA
Hi there:
I am in need of the one set of pivot points and at 2 Cam Locks.

The attached ictures of the parts are from a Weathershield Vision 2000 series window.
The pivot pin is also referred to by WS as a 62-840 part.
The Cam Lock appears to look like item# 15-233 on your website?
Thanks for checking into availability of these items.
4 user uploaded images
10 Replies
Emily from SWISCO


Thanks for reaching out to us. Your balance's shoe indeed looks like the 15-233. However, this will need to be a custom order since we don't have a stock balance that uses this particular shoe. Can you measure the length of the metal channel and tell us what you get? We'd also like to see a photo of the stamp printed on the metal channel. 

Your pivot bar isn't made anymore, unfortunately. The 26-150 is similar in design and may be worth considering though. Take a look and see what you think. 

Quick Learner from USA
Hi Emily,
Thanks for your diagnosis and answers. I have located a source for the original pivot pins, so that is taken care off.
I am still in need of the tilt shoes and have the following questions:
Do you have the part 15-197 in stock and if so it is also feasible.
What would be the cost and time frame for the custom fabrication of the 15-233 shoes?
Emily from SWISCO

The 15-197 is presently in stock but we don't recommend this part for your original shoe. The 15-233 is what you want. The cost and lead time for the custom balances with the 15-233 shoe depends on the length of the channel and stamps for your balance. I'm not able to draft a price quote unless I have that. 

Quick Learner from USA
Thanks again for your reply. Yes, I forgot to give you the requested info on the balance. See attached picture for the stamp (33TG), the length of the channel is 32".
1 user uploaded image
Emily from SWISCO

That's odd. With a 33TG stamp, the metal channel ought to measure 34" long. I hate to ask but could you double-check that for us? I just want to be thorough since custom orders are nonrefundable.

If it indeed measures 32" long, we will need you to weigh the window sash on a scale so that we can re-calibrate the spring strength. 

Quick Learner from USA
Emily, the channel may well be 34" long. The window is at our beach house, I am not there (and won't be for another 2 weeks) but my wife 'measured' it. So let's go with 34".
BUT I am not sure re weighing the sash; I don't need an entire balance, the spring/ channel/ block&tackle are all fine; I just need that blue cam lock?
Thanks for your continued assistance
Emily from SWISCO

Sure, you can replace just the shoe if that's all that is broken. We just recommend wearing safety gloves and goggles. There are replacement instructions on the 15-014 store page but the principle is the same for the 15-233

Quick Learner from USA
Yes, that's all I need, a quote for just the blue locking cams. I would need 4 of these.
Emily from SWISCO

This doesn't have to be a custom order if you only want to replace the shoes. You can place an order for the 15-233 on our website whenever you'd like or by calling (888) 991-1929.

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