JW Sliding Glass Door

Handy Person from Oceanside CA
Sep 19, 2023 12:08 pm
I am looking for a replacement for a JW Sliding Glass Door with a broken lock
841f6e860f00aa0120230919-66-9ze7wx 0c7620966034f90c20230919-85-1hngly 5beb0a12b81e1a8820230919-51-y78pi 02fdc30cb86479b820230919-86-g9msbs
4 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
Sep 20, 2023 10:03 am

Thanks for writing in! Your handle set reminds me of our 82-089 Legacy Handle Set, which uses the 82-107 Sliding Door Latch Lever Kit. If all that is broken on the handle is the thumb lever, this lever kit should work well as a replacement for your handle set. Take a look at the diagram below to confirm.

Dimensions for 82-107
Dimensions for 82-107

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