Thanks for writing in! To confirm the correct replacement balances, I'll need to see a photo of an undamaged balance removed from the window. Unfortunately, the stamp from the balance does not indicate the type of balance you need. It only tells us the weight range the balance should be able to carry to support the weight of your sash.
To properly identify them, I'll need to see a photo of any attachments that may be on the top or bottom of the balance.
If this is a tilt window, I'll need to see any attachments that could possibly be left behind in the window or that could possibly be attached to the bottom of the window. If there is a hook at the top of the balance, I'll need to see the space in the window channel where the hook connects.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Thanks for the photos. Your channel balance appears to to be the Series 751 Channel balance with a 15-014 knife lock shoe. You'll likely need the S751-35, although, you'll want to double check that the length of your channel is 35".
I am not able to cross-reference your stamp, unfortunately. This means you will need to obtain the exact weight of your sash. The stamp is what is used to confirm the weight range your balances should be able to carry to support the weight of your sash.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
You can place the order for this balance using either the link in the response or by clicking the photo of the part at the bottom of this post.
As explained, to select the stamp you need, you will need to obtain the exact weight of your sash. The stamp is what is used to confirm the weight range your balances should be able to carry to support the weight of your sash.
There is chart below the product description of the balances that shows the weight range each stamp can support.
I hope this helps!