As per my chat with a Swisco help desk rep, this am, attached are pictures of the window parts I need.
There are two pictures of each part. One is totally broke, the other seriously cracked. I need one for the left hand and one for the right hand side.
Please let me know if you have them or something similar that would work, price etc.
4 user uploaded images
10 Replies
The Channel Balance uses a hook on the end of the string, to attach to the top of the channel, and they work satisfactorily.
All I need. is the Coil balance for each side, one right and one left, and attaches with a screw as pictured. As viewed from the inside, the left one is totally broken, and the right one is cracked.
I need to know about availability, and price.
Your video does not help me much as I believe my window parts are made different. I look at it today and get back to you with a better picture.
Emily, Attached are much better pictures of the part I need.
Please advise,
2 user uploaded images