Larson Door Sweep

Home Owner from Saint Petersburg
I need a single Larson door sweep to fit my door.
Attached are pictures of what I need.
3 user uploaded images
8 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

This looks like a match for our 40-209 Larson storm door sweep. Review our dimensions and compare them to yours to see if you agree.

40-209 dimensions
Home Owner from marion ia
I have a larson storm door solid glass. i do not know the model number. The piece that holds the sweep has two grooves that are slightly larger than the width of a nickel. One groove is on the front part of the piece and the other groove is on the center part of the piece. what part do i get to get a new weather strip
Emily from SWISCO

We'd be happy to help but we'll need more information. Can you show us a photo of the end profile for the sweep you're looking to replace? 

Home Owner from marion ia

Sent a pix can you help or at the very least can I get a new metal piece that the current weather strip fits.

3 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

We don't sell the metal piece, unfortunately. We may only be able to help with sweep but we would need to see the end profile of it in order to help. Let me know if that's something you could get for us. 

Home Owner from marion ia
3 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

It looks like your sweep is missing. I'm afraid we can't help without seeing the original. However, you're welcome to browse our selection of Replacement Storm Door Sweeps here to see if you think you can adapt one to your door. 

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