Looking for Old sliding shower door bottom guide

Quick Learner from San Francisco
Mar 1, 2021 7:49 pm
Our old shower door bottom guide broke a while ago and since then I haven't been able to find another one. The door is exactly 15mm think because there the metal parts sticks from the side (see the picture 1). The standard guide is usually 9/16 inch which is too narrow for this door. Do you have the guide for my door?
IMG_8154 IMG_8153 IMG_8152
3 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Mar 3, 2021 9:53 am

I am afraid it's difficult to say what shower door guide might work for you without seeing the original. See our 10-119, 10-122, or 10-127. I can't be certain if any of these will work for you, but compare their dimensions to your door setup and see what you think. 

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