Looking for balance shoe and channel

I'm looking for replacement shoes for my current channel. The closest shoe I can find on your site to what I current have is 15-194. However, after doing some research I believe I will also need a new channel. Does this seem correct based on my uploaded photos? The channel length is 33" and has a hook at the top to connect to the window frame. Do you carry this channel? I can't seem to find any channel with hooks on your site. Alternatively, could I order the 795 series channel and just use my current hooks by tying them on instead of the included screw-in clip?
Thank you

Hey there!
Thank you for reaching out to us. You are correct! We don't sell your old shoe but we do have the 15-194 which means you will need a new balance as well since this won't fit in your existing metal channel. With that said, we can supply the S795-33 with the 15-198 hook attached via custom order. We would just need to know the stamp and the quantity of balances you'd like to order.
You can also attach the 15-198 hook to your balances, though it can be tricky. You will need a bench vice to securely clamp onto the cord to ensure it doesn't snap back into the pulley while you swap the clips out. These cords are under a lot of tension and if it gets away from you then it could potentially ruin the balance; if you aren't careful, it can also take out an eye. If you go ahead with this, please make sure to wear safety goggles and gloves, just to be safe.
There may also be an easier solution, depending on the shape of the hole where the old hook went. May we see a photo of that?