MORTISE LOCK for patio door

Handy Person from Maryland
based on the patent number on the existing MORTISE LOCK (see the attached picture)
part number is 82-211. However the keeper is a different design. Would it work in my case?

Also, can you help to identify both sides handles (similar to existing - see the picture)
and compatible lock cylinder.
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2 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

The best way to determine if our hardware will work for you is to compare the dimensions we show on the product page to yours. We also have the 82-214B which comes with a keeper that looks like a better match for yours but I suggest comparing our dimensions to your original lock to confirm this matches up. 

Is your handle set's hole center spacing 3-15/16"? If it is, our 82-030 should work for you. For keyed access, you can adapt the 82-310 key lock to the outside pull for keyed access. Our blog article here will explain exactly how. 

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