Marvin Windows Ultimate Awning Pivot Slide Shoe

Home Owner from Trinidad, Colorado
Oct 9, 2023 2:46 pm
Have a Marvin Window Awning style window in the Ultimate model that is approximately two years old. It had a broken window which was fixed, however, Pivot Slide Shoe was lost. Need replacement. I believe it is a bronze (dark brown) color.
3 Replies
Emily from SWISCO
Oct 10, 2023 11:31 am


We aren't able to help from this description alone, unfortunately. May we see a photo of the entire operator assembly? I can't promise we'll be able to help with the original part in question missing but we will try our best.  

Home Owner from Trinidad, Colorado
Oct 23, 2023 5:08 pm
Just the end piece that I'd bronze, I think. The window glass was broken, replaced by glass company, and they lost the slide that locks the window to the arm. Window will fall out if I don't have that piece.
1 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO
Oct 24, 2023 8:16 am

We don't sell this piece separately, unfortunately. I wonder if we could replace the whole operator assembly. Would it be possible for us to see a photo of the operator removed from the window? 

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