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Mismatched Sash Balances

Home Owner from California
I'm trying to repair an old sash window with a broken pulley but the balances on it aren't even the same. Not only are they different lengths, but the end pieces are different. It seems like a past owner replaced one. The thing is, both seem to be incorrect to me based on the size and weight of the window.

Currently it has:
- 2340 with a non winged bottom
- 2240 with a winged bottom

But the window weighs 18 pounds and from what I've measured fits a 25" balance. Therefore I believe it should use a 2430. Any tips on what part to replace with? My best guess is either S395-25 or S385-25 but I'm new to this. Thank you for your time!
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5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for reaching out to us. This is definitely an issue, but it's one I think we can solve. It'll just take a little detective work.

Before we do anything, I'd like your analysis on which fitting configuration would be better suited for this window. Some details to look out for is whether the sash drags during operation, or makes any noise on one particular side. I'm not as concerned with the top nylon fitting (which are identical) as I am with the bottom, the depth of which can make a huge difference. Also see if there are any drag marks in the track on either side. If there is, then that's the side we can rule out.

As for length, there is a very simple formula we can use to determine the proper size. What you need to do is measure the height of the visible glass and then add 1". For example, if your visible glass height is 30", then you want a 31" long balance. That will allow me to verify if 25" is the proper size.

Home Owner from California
Hey Tom, sorry for the late response. Just had a baby so things are a little crazy over here!
I couldn't operate the window to check for drag since one sash is broken, but I did take some measurements to help figure some things out. I don't think the normal "formula" will work for this window but you can judge from the photos I'll attach.

Basically the top stop on the window is lower than the trim around the visible window so from what I can tell that shortens the sash length from from the proposed visible height + 1". After putting both sashes on and seeing how they fit my guess is the 2340 with a non winged bottom is the original sash and the shorter one was a (bad) replacement some time later. If that is true and you agree from the photos, then I would guess I can go with a 2340 to match the one I have

My original guess that I needed a 25" sash I believe is incorrect as that would make the bottom attachment go over the bottom gap of the window. So 24" looks like the correct one.

Thanks so much for your time in helping me figure this out.
5 user uploaded images
Home Owner from California
One other question if my above assumptions are right... do you think I could go with a 2330 instead of a 2340 if my window weighs just over 18 pounds? This window is up high on a staircase and previously it was not easy to pull closed. 2330 says it works up to 18 pounds but figured there might be a little wiggle room?
Tom from SWISCO

The glass height +1 rule is fairly universal for windows of this make. That's not to say that your case isn't an exception, but that's not a scenario I've ever encountered before. If that is what we're dealing with then it might be a custom construction. Considering the fact that you have two entirely different balances installed in the first place then I guess I'm not surprised. It seems that whoever installed this window had a bit of a time with it. Maybe they were just as confused as us.

You could try the 24" balance, but I cannot be 100% sure that this length would work for you. What I can say is that the 2340 option should be perfectly suited for a sash that's just over 18 pounds. In fact if your sash is over that mark then I think 2340 is the far better choice, so you're on the right track there.

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