Need a part that looks just like your part # 23-082, but I want to be sure before ordering. Thanks.

Landlord from Studio City, California
Apr 11, 2023 10:12 pm
A door guide for a Reliabilt Sliding Mirror Door sold by Lowes. It appears to me that this is an exact match for your Top Mount Bypass Door Guide Product Code: 23-082, but before ordering, I want to ascertain that the measurements of your part is the same as the measurement of my part. NO names, numbers or markings on my part.
3 user uploaded images
2 Replies

Jasmine from SWISCO
Apr 12, 2023 3:06 pm

Thanks for posting. For future reference, when navigating our website for any future projects, the measurements are shown on the website below the larger photo of the part.
I've included them below for your convenience. I believe you are correct, this should be the replacement bypass door guide you'll need. Look over the dimensions to confirm.

Alternate view of 23-082

Dimensions for 23-082
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