Need help finding a matching part for OLD vinyl window

Quick Learner from Urbana, OH
appears to be a single coil where the spring snapped. sash is 12.8 lbs, i want to replace both springs, not just the broken one. I cannot find any numbers or even a manufacturer/model number anywhere on the window itself. the vinyl track has no cutouts for spring replacement (though i found a YT where i can cut a space out. the track depth is approx 7/8 inch and width is approx 1.5 inch
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14 Replies
Quick Learner from Urbana, OH
these are tilt windows, also wondering the measurement of the lock shoe insert of the quick tilt S140-6 so i know if i need new pivot bars as well.
Emily from SWISCO

Thanks for reaching out to us. It's tough to say from these photos but I suspect you have a pivot shoe that was discontinued and is no longer available. If that's the case, you can use the 15-177 as a replacement which uses the Series 152 coil springs. 

The Series 140 might work for you but I think the 15-177 would be much better as a replacement. 

Quick Learner from Urbana, OH
I'm wary of using any existing parts as I'd only like to have to do this once, so can you tell me what I need for the top part to hold the coil to go with the 15-177 shoe & the Series 152 coil springs?
Emily from SWISCO

Certainly. I recommend the 15-143 bushing, 15-144 bushing cap, and 15-145 support barrel. These parts simply sandwich around the coil spring. 

Quick Learner from Urbana, OH
my coil spring has no stamps on it, but's 3/4 inch wide, and the 152 spring is only 1/2 inch. Alternatives?
Emily from SWISCO

I'm glad you brought this up. We used to have a very old version of these springs that were 3/4" wide but they stopped making them long ago. With that said, I recommend taking a look at our 15-192 instead which is used with the S170 and S171 coil springs along with the 15-156 cover and 15-157 drum. 

Note, you may need to shave off the bumps on the face of the pivot shoe for it to fit into the track. Items altered in such a way cannot be returned for a refund. Just something to keep in mind. Now I can't promise these parts will work but I think it's worth a look. Review the specifications and see what you think. 

Quick Learner from Urbana, OH

so the recommended CertainTeed shoes do not work with my existing pivot bars, i ordered the CertainTeed pivot bars only to find they are too wide for my window assembly. 

the 3/4 inch springs I got work great, but my pivot bars are not staying in my old shoes. window closes (with difficulty) but when trying to open bars slide out of the shoes. 

my current shoes look a lot like 15-177, except that part is only 1/2 inch deep and I need 3/4. the type of pivot bars I need it to work with are more like the 26-405 (bars are same width throughout and have a tab on top for a stopper) please help...

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Emily from SWISCO

I'm sorry to hear you ran into some trouble. In this case, we believe you can use the 26-083. Look over the specifications and let us know if you have any questions. 

Quick Learner from Urbana, OH
im looking for a pivot SHOE 3/4 inch deep that might work with my existing bars, or one of these newer thin ones like the 26-405.
Tom from SWISCO

Hey there, Emily isn't here today but I will do my best to assist you.

Taking a moment to read over your conversation with my colleague, I see that there was an issue with pivot shoe thickness. It sounds like you had that old, thick version of the 15-177. They haven't made that for many years unfortunately.

We don't sell a shoe in that size that would be compatible with your existing pivot bars, either. You have to understand that your options are very limited. This old hardware isn't made anymore and you need to do the best you can with what modern parts are available that would fit the bill. 

In my opinion, your best options at this stage would be the 15-192 pivot shoe (along with the related hardware Emily mentioned) and the 26-083 pivot bar. It's going to take some handiwork to get these working in your window, too; they likely won't just work as-is. I would imagine that you'd have to shave down the face of the 15-192 to fit in the track, and the new pivot bar may require drilling new holes. You should be prepared for a bit of a project.

I'm sorry that we can't offer you an easier solution. If we had something that's simpler to install I would suggest it right away, but your parts just aren't made anymore. You're going to have to jump through a few hoops to get these windows operational again. If you aren't comfortable doing that kind of handiwork, you may want to consider having a local professional do the installation for you.

Quick Learner from Urbana, OH
now im confused... the CertainTeed pivot shoes 15-192 I just returned will work with the pivot bars 26-083? i thought it would require the matching pivot bars which didn't work for my window. so these work together?
Tom from SWISCO

Yes, the 15-192 shoe and 26-083 pivot bar are fully compatible. I actually watched Emily take them out of stock and try them out together myself. Just because it's a Certainteed part doesn't mean it necessarily has to use other Certainteed hardware. There is some amount of wiggle room for this kind of thing.

I will try to make the situation more clearer for you. A pivot shoe has three major prerequisites that it has to meet in order to fit in a window: 

  • It has to be compatible with the balance spring.
  • It has to be compatible with the pivot bar. 
  • It has to fit in the track.

Let me summarize your situation by each of these points.

Point 1: You'll be replacing the springs along with the shoe, so we know that the 15-192 will be compatible with those. The Series 170 and Series 171 have worked with the 15-192 since its creation and they are a reliable combination.

Point 2: Your old pivot bar is a different style than what the 15-192 is made to work with, therefore it will have to be changed. Our best (but by no means only) option right now is the 26-083. My major concern here is not whether it will fit in your shoe, but whether it will fit in the sash; as mentioned before, drilling a new installation hole may be necessary. You should also check to make sure that the slot where it fits can accept a 3/16" x 5/16" bar. Review our dimensions on the 26-083 store page as a reference.

Point 3: This is the major issue. Your track, to put it gently, is huge. It's way larger than normal and therefor it requires a larger than average shoe. These are not common by any means and our company only sells a small handful that would be compatible. In my opinion, the 15-192 is probably going to be your best bet and even then it's still not a perfect fit. Some alterations may be necessary. Shaving down its face so that it's a little skinnier may be necessary in my experience, but it's something you'll have to experiment with. There's no exact science since it's a substitution. This is where you may find yourself requiring the help of a local professional.

Hopefully this helps clear things up. I'm happy to answer any other questions that you may have.

Quick Learner from Urbana, OH
thank you so much for clarifying. i know the shoes fit in the track, i just sent them back b/c they wouldn't work with the bars, and the bars i ordered wouldnt work with the window. I'll triple-check the measurements on my existing bars and the sash opening. I just wanted to ensure these match the shoes as thats the only issue I've had so far, was the opening of the shoe was way bigger than my bars.
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