Need part replacment

Thanks for writing in! I am confident that we can supply you with replacement recommendations for your existing hardware but I'll need to see clearer photos of them to be sure I am recommending the proper replacements.
For the channel balance, I'll need to see the a clear photo of the bottom attachment from the balance. I'll also need to know the length of the metal channel as well as the stamp from the channel.
In regard to the tilt latch, I'll need need to see a more close up photo of the top and side to see the design of the latch.
Feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime.

Thanks for the photos. The balance you'll need is the S795-30 with a 30B stamp option. Your chose appears to be the 15-195B, 1-1/4" open cam T-Lock shoe, which is sold separately.
These balances come equipped with the 15-195 closed cam shoe, so you'll need to make sure to purchase the 15-195B shoe and to swap them out. Take a look at the video below for instructions on how to change the shoes.

Thanks for the photos. There are a few different pieces of wool pile weather strip we can recommend for your existing wool pile. To narrow down those options, I'll need to know the dimensions for the the width of the base and the height of the pile.
The window tilt latches look like they could be the 26-243 and its opposite part 26-244. To determine if these will work as replacement, carefully compare the dimensions below.

In regard to the mesh screen filter as well as the foam bubble seal, I'm afraid we do not have a replacement that would work for those items. You'll need to visit a local hardware store or perhaps a local window shop for an idea on where you might find replacements for those.
I do apologize that we cannot assist with that part of the repair.