Patio Door Rollers

Quick Learner from Southern California
Nov 24, 2023 9:34 pm

I need two replacement rollers for my patio door which measures 83 X 80 inches. The pane that moves is 42 X 80.

I am not able to find any brand name or markings!


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5 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Nov 26, 2023 11:27 pm

Hey Michael. This reminds me of our 81-148. Please compare to the diagram below and let me know if this matches up.

Alternate image for 81-148
Alternate image for 81-148

Quick Learner from Southern California
Nov 28, 2023 5:47 am

This is very cose, the height on my part seems to measure 1 3/16 (instead of 1 1/4). Is that OK?

How much would two of these 81-148 cost including shipping and handling?

It looks to me as though the t-tab holds it in place, am I correct that the screw somehow adjusts the height ??

Bob from SWISCO
Nov 28, 2023 2:53 pm

Hello again! The height is very important, yes. Even a difference of 1/16" might be a dealbreaker. I would suggest double checking that particular dimension just to be safe. We unfortunately don't have a version of this roller with a 1-3/16" height, so if that is how tall yours is then it may not be something we can supply.

As for cost, you can see a full price breakdown on the 81-148 store page. Shipping is calculated for you automatically during checkout and will be dependent on what delivery option you select.

Lastly, the back screw does control the adjustment, yes.

Quick Learner from Southern California
Dec 28, 2023 7:34 pm
I was wondering is there a version of the 81-148 roller that is a "tandem" and has more wheels?
The 81-148 Roller assembly was a big help. It fits fine and the patio door opens OK.

The patio door is large and heavy and could be smoother.

I know it is a bit expermental but I would be will to take the risk if there is a chance it might work.

Also is it better to start out with the new roller adjusted low, medium or high?

Kind regards,
Bob from SWISCO
Dec 29, 2023 12:06 pm

Unfortunately I'm not aware of a tandem version of the 81-148. I can only tell you with confidence that we don't sell anything that would match that description. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

As for adjustment, you want the wheel to be adjusted up as far as it can go into the housing during installation. This will give you more than enough clearance to put the door back in the track. After that, the proper adjustment height is something you'll have to judge as you do it. The goal is to ensure that the door doesn't rub against the bottom track and threshold, nor against the top header.

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