Patriot window channel balance

Home Owner from Ashland, VA
I have Patriot windows that need new channel balances but I have no idea which ones to order. The channel is 25 inches long has the number 2500 BSI LF stamped on it but I can't find the proper channel. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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10 Replies
Paul from SWISCO


For your Patriot window, I suspect that you may be able to use the S795-25 channel balance as a replacement. Your 2500 indicates that you may require 25B strength options for a sash between 11-17 lbs.

With that being said, this is an educated guess since your balance assembly is broken and missing the t-lock shoe. I would recommend removing an undamaged balance to compare to the specifications shown on our product page, as well as weighing your sash to confirm that it falls within the supported range. If you're not sure, feel free to get back to us with more information and additional photos to look into this further. Thanks for posting.  

Home Owner from Ashland, VA
I have taken an intact channel balance off of the window and am including the two ends of the balance. It doesn't look like the part you recommended and I wonder if the pictures will help identify the part I need. Anything you can tell me will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
2 user uploaded images
Paul from SWISCO

These additional photos are very helpful. Take a look and compare the specifications of the S770-25 channel balance to your assembly, which has the same terminal clip at the end of the pulley and screw way at the top of the channel for installation. 

I would still recommend weighing your window sash and following the chart under the balance product description to confirm the correct strength option for your replacements. 

Home Owner from Ashland, VA
Many thanks! I did weigh the sash and it was 14 pounds so the -25 that you recommend should work. Thanks again for making this easy to accomplish!
Paul from SWISCO

Great, then you would need a 25B strength option for your replacement S770-25 channel balances. Please let us know if you have any other questions. 

Home Owner from Ashland, VA
So, I have ordered the correct channel balances, many thanks to you for that help, but I now find that I have another problem. The place the 1 inch stainless steel screw goes into is missing. I need to find the plug that goes into the window frame that the screw goes into. I am including a picture of the hole and a picture of what a complete one looks like. Do you have anything that would work? Many thanks yet again.
2 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

Sure, take a look at our 26-200 screw plug shown below. 

Alternate image for 26-200
Alternate image for 26-200

Home Owner from Ashland, VA
Thank you, yet again. You all ROCK!
Casey from SWISCO

We're happy to help! Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to assist you. 

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