Phillips Window Channel Balances
The number 30B is on the side of the metal piece that the cord runs through in the first photo. The metal piece is 30" long and 1/2" by 1/2". There are also the letters BSI a short distance from the 30B.
The second photo shows the broken part.
The third photo shows the spring.
Please let us know what part we need to order
Where is the bottom of the balance channel and the shoe located on the window?
Here are pictures of the bottom end of the track. Hope this helps you.
Perfect! This looks like our Series 795 balance. However, your shoe is more narrow than the shoe that comes with it. I also recommend our 15-194 pivot shoe. This is only 1" wide. You can just pop off the shoe that comes with the Series 795 and pop on the smaller 15-194! We have a blog article here that goes into more detail about how to replace and adapt these particular balances. Let me know what you think.
Hello, Matt. Based on the damage I see here, you will need an all new sash. The bad news is that this isn't something we can help with. I recommend contacting a window dealer in your area to see if they sell the type you need.