Plastic Pivot Rod Cap

Home Owner from San Antonio
Mar 13, 2015 9:29 am
I need a plastic 'pivot rod CAP?? it is 1/4" diameter on the inside where the metal spring loaded rod fits, this cap part is abt 1/8" deep, and has a 3/4" diameter base -about the size of a nickel, that actually slides back and forth in the track. the only marking I can find on the bi-fold doors is on a center piece that says ACME. thank you.
4 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Mar 13, 2015 2:46 pm

I'm afraid Acme is long gone. They where bought out by Stanley, who in turn sold off parts of their closet door business. It will be difficult to identify your part without photos and dimensions. I did find one closet door guide, our 23-124, for you to review. Is this a match? If not, please provide some pictures and measurements and we can work from there.

Home Owner from San Antonio tx
Apr 8, 2015 10:12 am
Here are a few pictures. I need the cap. Or maybe ? Replace the whole part ?

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Apr 8, 2015 12:42 pm

Hello. Maybe I can help. I don't think that cap is available by itself, but check out our 23-172 top roller guide, which I believe is for old Stanley. Could this work for your door? Look at the size of the cap and the pin and compare them to your own.
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