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Thanks for your patience during this busy season. It looks to me like you have an old Pan Am window balance system. We can supply this, but it has to be a custom order since this isn't a stock design. Before we go any further, you mentioned that you have four different sizes; did you want to order them all at once now, or did you want to just get the 12-1/2" length balance to start out?
If you want them all now, I'll need their metal channel lengths and stamps. I also recommend weighing the sash supported by each size balance just to be sure. If you give me those weights, I can confirm that your stamps are accurate.
Otherwise, we will be designing a 12-1/2" long balance with a 19-035 top and 15-035 bottom shoe. You will also need a 33-017 screw to mount on the balance channel, which is sold separately.
If that sounds good to you, please let me know how many of the 12-1/2" size you wanted to buy. If you want all four sizes, please tell me how many of each you need. We can then get the ball rolling on these custom orders.