Handy Person from Wonder Lake , IL
Apr 29, 2017 8:26 am
My typical double hung window channel balances are stamped labeled 28HDB, for the lower unit, and 28HD for the upper unit. The upper unit balance being 1" shorter than the lower balance so that the channel length does not interfere with the window lug before completely closing. The 28HDB length is 30". Since we usually operate the lower units only, the upper unit balances are in good working order.
Currently, I will only need 10 of the complete 28HDB balances including the knife lock shoe. The lower window unit wieghs 18 lbs. With all of my description in mind, which balance would I require?
Oh, and by the way, I wish to congratulate you on a website that has the most ease of navigation which allows for locating product data very quickly. I have had a tough time with other outlets. Yours, well, I just wanted to say thanks. I have bookmarked your site and will be revisiting it in the future.
Currently, I will only need 10 of the complete 28HDB balances including the knife lock shoe. The lower window unit wieghs 18 lbs. With all of my description in mind, which balance would I require?
Oh, and by the way, I wish to congratulate you on a website that has the most ease of navigation which allows for locating product data very quickly. I have had a tough time with other outlets. Yours, well, I just wanted to say thanks. I have bookmarked your site and will be revisiting it in the future.
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