Replacement balances

#s on the longer balances: 23 4 EW CMC 10
# on the shorter balance: 18A (possibly followed by a 2?)

Hello there!
Thank you for reaching out to us. The balance in your first batch of photos reminds me of either the S380-24 or S385-24 depending on the depth of the bottom shoe. You'll want to select the 2340 option based on the 23-4 stamp.

However, the balance with the 18A stamp appears to have a wingless shoe, unlike your other balance. Can you remove an undamaged version and show us a photo of the top fitting as well? Can you also confirm the length of the metal channel?

Hi, thanks for your helpful reply. The depth of the bottom shoe on the larger balances is 1", so I'll order the S380-24s. As for the smaller one, I'm attaching more photos.
When you ask what the length of the metal channel is, do you mean the channel in the window, or on the balance? The outer metal part is 19" and the inner channel of the balance (from plastic piece to plastic piece) is just over 18", it's 5/8" deep and 1/4" wide. The shoes are about 1/2" wide.
The shoe that is at the non-hook end is just under 1.25" long. The shoe on the hook end measures 1" on the diagonal side that's on the opposite side of the balance from the hook. It has 18A and BSI stamped on it. Thank you!

My apologies! I was referring to the length of the balance's metal channel. If it's 19" long, see the S351-19 or S390-19. You'll have to measure the bottom shoe as shown below like you did before.
As for the 18A stamp, we don't have a stamp option like this but I wonder if you could use the 1810 stamp option. A pair of balances with this stamp will support a sash weighing 5 to 8 pounds. You can always weigh the window sash on a scale to confirm.