Replacement hardware and how to deinstall and install

Handy Person from Ottawa
Jun 4, 2020 2:23 pm
I have an old sliding door and want to reuse frame to install new front (rollers and bottom guide).I am not sure how to take this appart and would like to buy spares since few or current hardware are wobly. I would appreciate your comment and parts availability and instructions how to take this apart and install again including new hardware that you will suggest.

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1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 9, 2020 10:44 am

Based on your photos, I believe your top rollers to be the 23-017 and the bottom guides to be the 23-018A. Look these products over and let me know if you agree.

As for removal, it can be a little tricky. Your rollers and guides are literally just hooked into the frame. They're firmly in there, but it's really just a matter of unhooking them as best as you can. I recommend using a pair of needle nose pliers to work them out.

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