Home Owner from USA
Mar 17, 2016 1:59 pm
Hi my name is Mathew, I have a Stanley bifold mirror door which is running on 2 tracks ( one upper and another bottom) and the door runs in the tracks on white plastic roller, one of the plastic roll is broken, I found a roll
( #21-174) in the website , i want to make sure that I found the right part, I am sending some pictures with this. Another question is- in order to change the roll should i remove the door with both tracks and install the roll and put the track and door in place?
( #21-174) in the website , i want to make sure that I found the right part, I am sending some pictures with this. Another question is- in order to change the roll should i remove the door with both tracks and install the roll and put the track and door in place?
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